Alice Scott's Tribute Page
Created by
Theresa Collar
Alice Scott
Alice Scott was such a family person. She was “the best decision I ever made” in the words of Bob, her husband. She was a “family first, at every event of her three kids, supportive, unconditional love”, kind of mom to her children, Dave, Lew, and Theresa. She was a “my grandkids walk on water” grandmother to Amy, Jason, and Daniel. And – she lived long enough, at 91, to not only be Gigi to her 3 "icing on the cake" great-grandkids, Amaya, Jonah, and Robbie, but to also allow them to feel deeply loved – just as she had done with all of us before. Of course, it didn’t stop there. She loved John, Lanette, and Janie, from the minute they joined the family, and she also had so many friends who just became family along the way!
Alice was born in Brownsville, Texas, on May 26, 1929, to A.C. and Susana Olivares. She grew up in the Corpus Christi area where she met her husband, Bob Scott, at the naval station in Corpus Christi. She auditioned to sing with the navy band, of which Bob was a member. They fell in love, married in 1952, and began their life of family, love, and music together. After a few years in Alaska and Texas, Bob and Alice moved to the Midwest in 1958, with their 3 young children in tow. They moved to Missouri in 1960 and lived in Lamar, Kansas City, and Kirksville, before finally settling in Springfield, in 1972. The location of their home was unimportant because no matter where they lived, the Scott family house was filled with good food, days and nights that revolved around the family activities, unconditional love, and music – always music.
The union of Bob and Alice was one of the great love stories – and always will be. If you ask anybody who knew them, you never just talked about one of them – you talked about both of them – Bob and Alice, Alice and Bob. When Bob was becoming known as an up-and-coming music educator in the high schools, and later, at the university level, Alice was always at his side, supporting his students as Mrs. Scott, with her three children by her side. Throughout her life, she was an enthusiastic champion of music education throughout the state of Missouri. And even though music brought them together, they also shared a love of sports - the Kansas City Chiefs, the KC Royals and the Missouri State Bears; barbecues, Mexican food, entertaining in their home, and a love of life.
Alice loved her 3 children deeply and raised them in a home where they knew that they were loved unconditionally. Then her first grandchild, Amy, was born in California. Amy would be the first of 3 grandchildren, who, through her eyes, were perfect, the most beautiful, and the brightest stars in the sky. These 3 perfect creatures – Amy, Jason, and Daniel – were unlike any babies ever born. She would take 8 x 10 photos with her when she would go visit others so that they, too, could be in awe of her grandchildren. She loved them all so completely, and despite all the love she had to give, she still had more inside her that she had reserved for the great-grandchildren, Amaya, Jonah, and Robbie, who she hoped would come and did indeed arrive during her later years.
Her granddaughter, Amy, was Bob and Alice’s 30th anniversary present, born just one day after their anniversary and 4 days after Alice’s 53rd birthday. They had a special bond and even though Amy was in California and Alice was in Missouri, they were inseparable whenever they would visit. They shared a love of shopping, cosmetics, giggling, dining out, and – each other. When Amy was diagnosed with CF at age 10, in 1993, Alice and Bob took on the role of supporters through frequent visits (with prolonged stays when she had her transplant and other critical surgeries), financing distractions such as phone cards during hospitalizations, tickets to concerts, and plane tickets to New York to visit friends and relatives, and always letting Amy know that they were there, no matter how or when they were needed. It was during this time that Alice began supporting the work of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and was a regular donor to this organization that was instrumental in supporting the research that improved and extended the lives of patients living with CF.
In the Spring of 2009, after Amy had passed earlier that year, Team Amy was formed to honor her sweet memory in a way that could also support the lifesaving work of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. The team was created so that Amy’s friends and family could collectively participate in the CFF’s Great Strides walk, an annual fundraising event for the organization. During the first 2 years, the team walked at Tri-City Park in Placentia, CA, but when the walk got moved to a month other than May (Amy’s birthday month), Team Amy decided to join the Great Strides walkers in Huntington Beach, where they have been ever since. Alice and Bob joined the team at the first walk in 2009, proudly wearing their Team Amy shirts, and have been generous donors for the team every year.
When Alice passed on August 9, 2020, Bob knew immediately that he wanted to honor his wife’s beautiful memory by continuing to support the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, just as Alice had so generously done for so many years. Alice and Amy were so incredibly close when they were both here – an enviable bond between a grandmother and a granddaughter that began with their birthdays both falling in the last week of May. So that we might honor the memories of both our May girls, in lieu of flowers, the family has requested that any donations be made on Team Amy’s behalf to help support the team’s efforts to raise money for the CFF. All donations will be credited to Team Amy of the Orange County Chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. We thank you in advance for any donations made in memory of Alice’s lovely life and the spirit in which she supported her granddaughter, Amy, as well as the lives of all of those born with cystic fibrosis, through her continual support of the CFF. It is so fitting that, even in her passing, the lives of Amy and Alice are so beautifully intertwined, in this loving tribute to Alice.
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