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Celebrate Maren's 31st Anniversary with the CFF!

Created by Maren Blum

Maren Blum

Celebrate my 31st anniversary at the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation by helping to end a disease!  I began as a volunteer with the Foundation when my dear friend Lisa Hamburger’s son, Matthew, was diagnosed at just 4 months of age.  I dove right in as a volunteer and then made the decision to dedicate my professional life’s work to raising funds for a cure with cystic fibrosis.  From galas to golf tournaments, concerts to Great Strides walks, my relationships with the CF community are ones I hold most dear. When Matthew was born, life expectancy was in the early 20’s.  Today, those born in 2019 and beyond, with a mutation that allows for modulators, life expectancy has grown to 61! Unfortunately, Matthew, like so many others, do not fall in that category.  These fighters rely on the Foundation for research, an ever-growing drug pipeline, treatment options and resources that will keep their health until the cure is found. 
  • In the last 12 years, 4 modulators were developed to treat 90% of eligible CF patients
  • In just 5 years, we now have 3 RNA therapies in clinical trials
  • There are 40+ therapies in the drug development pipeline
  • 1 in 31 Americans are carriers of the defective gene
  • There are currently more than 47 projects to better manage advanced lung disease and lung transplantation
  • In just one decade, there has been an 18-year increase in the median age of survival
So many wonderful advancements have pushed those with CF forward during the last 31 years I’ve been with the Foundation, but the most important goal has not yet been reached .. a cure for all with cystic fibrosis.  Please join me in marking this milestone by making a donation today.  I look forward to the day I can walk away knowing I had a small impact on making CF stand for Cure Forever!

Amazing volunteers and colleagues .. Until It's Done!

Spring Swing Fun!

VLC Anniversary 5 years ago!

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