Welcome to Monique's Page
Monique Johnson
Platinum Ridge is a neighborhood in Sioux Falls and we care about our neighbors wide and far. Many of us at Platinum Ridge know a child fighting a life altering health diagnosis and we want to help!
We have chosen to find ways to support the cystic fibrosis community. One of those ways is to ask our friends, family, and co-workers to donate.
One of our neighbors has a grandson with cystic fibrosis so that is what is driving us to come together to help add more tomorrows to his life and to other cystic fibrosis fighters (infants to adults).
The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation has fueled dramatic improvements in cystic fibrosis research and care. Because of the Foundation, people with cystic fibrosis are living longer and healthier lives. The outlook for people with cystic fibrosis continues to improve year after year adding more tomorrows!
Thank you in advance for your support and participation to this event, you are helping to make a difference for people living with cystic fibrosis.